Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Using Credible Sources

You need at least 5 credible sources from newspapers and magazines, books, academic journals or scientific studies, credible web sites (.gov, .edu, .org) that you have checked for credibility, or articles from the text (the world is a text)(you can use 1 in your paper as one of your 5 main sources)

additional sources may be whatever you find useful to the purpose of your paper.

some suggested sites:

and others like Washington Post, Detroit News/Free press, Newsweek, US News

Monday, April 10, 2006

1020 response for week of April 10

Post by 5pm Friday.

Write 2-3 paragraphs that detail your revision plan for your paper and that address the following:

What kinds of comments have you gotten on the paper this week and how are you using these and your own ideas to revise?

Write about the purpose (what is it that you want to get across in the paper and how are you doing that?) of the paper and who you imagine the audience to be. Are you meeting this purpose in the paper? Explain how you are working on clarifying your ideas, and maybe your overall focus, to more clearly meet the purpose and address the audience for this essay.

Do you need to include more or better sources? Are there places in the text that require further explanation, or better summarizing or citation of the sources you are using? Explain.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

1020 Assignment for week of 4.3.06

Choose one of the articles we're talking about this week, summarize the main idea of the article, and write about how it is relevant in terms of our discussions about making connections between the personal, cultural, and professional. Write 2-3 paragraphs with specific examples and support. Also, please remember to specify the title of the article and the author in your summary.

Due by 5 pm Friday.