Wednesday, January 03, 2007

07 - thought 1 -

be in the moment, present tense, first word best word, a rose is a rose is all you can do is start here, keep starting, consider this, and consider...

writing having fallen off toward the end of a semester... a bind not simply double but multiple...which moment in which what occurs that may or not be writing. to write, to think, to do homework and write something else...

begin this year again. writing. there is little hope in this present/future tense for publishing... no single pieces, no whole books. dusty manuscripts. lovely and friendly rejection notes. this accumulation of historical (all moments until this one particular, every particular moment turning into history, into memory if i could remember other than this, single, instant), pieces of, unmoving, seeming circular in one single space.

begin again. continue to begin. continue with the single instant.

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