Tuesday, November 26, 2013

SPECIAL EVENT Teach in for Education in Michigan


On The Education Achievement Authority
December 3, 2013

Informational Picketing at 9:00 am Outside Welch Hall
Teach-In to Follow: 10-12:00 at Halle Library Auditorium
Hosted by: Professors Steven Camron & Rebecca Martusewicz

* How the EAA threatens democratic principles – a community speaksout,
corporate reform run amuck
* The relationship between the EAA and EMU – tarnishing our
University’s reputation & enrollment
* Destructive Pedagogy – how the EAA’s instructional practices run
counter to research and best practices, and may harm children
Invited Guests/Presenters: (In addition to select EMU faculty)
* Dr. Tom Pedroni, Professor, Wayne State University
* Rep. Ellen Lipton, State Representative, Harper Woods
* Sen. Hoon-Yung Hopgood, State Senator, Taylor
* Ms. Brooke Harris, former Teacher, EAA School
* Mr. Christopher Turkaly, former Teacher, EAA School
* Mr. Delbert Glaze. Former Teacher, EAA School
* Ms. Elena Herrada, Board member, Detroit Public Schools
* Ms. Michelle Fecteau, Member, Michigan State Board of Education

Please come and learn more and become an active champion for public

More information contact: Steven Camron, scamron@emich.edu or Rebecca
Martusewicz, rmartusew@emich.edu


"We, the faculty members of the College of Education, respectfully request that the university's participation in the inter-local agreement that created the Education Achievement Authority (EAA) be severed immediately." 

Will you sign the petition too? Click here to add your name: 


The EAA is a statewide school district designated to take over failing schools.  Currently all schools in its jurisdiction are in Detroit, but the state superintendent wants to add more schools.  There are many problems with this model for failing schools including the mishandling of special needs students and the lack of accountability. Teachers at these schools loose their seniority, retirement benefits and contractual representation. 
The leadership of Eastern Michigan University (EMU) entered into this inter-local agreement that created the Education Achievement Authority (EAA). There were assumtions that members of the education faculty at Eastern would be actively engaged in the EAA -- misleading the citizens of the state; the professional educators of the state; AND the students of the University. The fact is EMU faculty were not invited to give input into such an arrangement or asked for their expertise as researchers and professionals in the complex and varied aspects of education (school administration, teacher development, and student achievement) as the EAA was established. To date, the faculty have been excluded from any direct participation in the creation or implementation of its policies, operating procedures, professional development, curricula or pedagogical practices, many of which the faculty find questionable at best. 

Furthermore, the faculty find the undermining of democratic processes represented in the creation of a district outside the purview of public decision-making and oversight to be in direct conflict with this university's mission and legacy as a champion of public education. This violation of our principles is now beginning to affect our historically strong relationship with local schools. Many local districts are boycotting the placement of our student teachers in their schools in protest of the EAA. 

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